Tag Archives: diabetes

Diabetes/Blood Sugar Webinar

Changing your diet CAN change your blood sugar

Changing your diet CAN change your blood sugar

Blood Sugar Webinar Power Point Format by Tami Cole
1 hour presentation on diabetes and the dangers it poses to our health PLUS ways to naturally reduce blood sugar. Some information on insulin & leptin resistance.

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Blood Sugar Webinar

Blood Sugar Webinar

Join me for a one hour webinar on blood sugar.   Find out what is going on within the body in this silent disease (Very often undiagnosed) called hyperglycemia.  Also known as Diabetes or high blood sugar.  Some information on leptin, leptin resistace, insulin and insuin resistance also discussed. This is a a Power Point format with narration.

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Juicing-all the benefits without the mess

AIM DOES all the work–our bodies REAP the nutrients!


Juicing is separating the juice of a fruit or vegetable from its fiber. It is a means of receiving optimal nutritional benefit from the fruits and vegetables we eat. Although there is value in eating raw fruits and vegetables, juicing provides a means to ensure that we are able to ingest and absorb the maximal amount of nutrients available.

Studies show that juice can provide most of the basics of human nutrition, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, as well as phytochemicals and enzymes. Phytochemicals are simply plant chemicals that are thought to be essential to health. They have been found by the American Dietetic Association to be beneficial in at least four of the leading causes of death—cardiac disease, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Enzymes are essential for the thousands of chemical reactions that occur throughout the body—the production of energy at the cellular level, the facilitation of digestion, the absorption of digested nutrients, and the rebuilding and replenishing of all that the body requires for metabolism to occur.

How healthy is juicing? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, three raw carrots (216 g, or a little less than one half pound) contain about 2 g of protein, 21 g of carbohydrates, 60 mg of calcium, 1 mg of iron, 696 mg of potassium, 22,026 International Units (IUs) of vitamin A in the form of betacarotene, 19 mg of vitamin C, 30 mcg of folate, and traces of many more vitamins and minerals.

Carrots-all the nutrients-in powder form

Dr. Norman W. Walker (1981) explains that a diet without fresh, raw vegetable juices is deficient. This is because when raw vegetables are eaten instead of juices, a large amount of them is used as energy during the digestion and absorption processes. Juices are ingested and assimilated within 15 minutes and this enables the nutrients to be used almost in their entirety for the nourishment of the cells. In 1976, he said, “Juices are very liquid food, mostly organic water of the finest quality with nourishing atoms and molecules in comparatively microscopic volume. It is the microscopic volume for which the cells and tissues are starved!”

Whole food juice concentrates-Nutrition made EASY!

If you find it challenging to get the recommended daily servings of vegetables, try the AIM Garden Trio®.   order here for AIM’s Garden Trio

You’ll get the vital nutrients found in three important foods – green barley, carrots and beets. Each is packed with the essential enzymes found in whole-juice products, plus antioxidants and a host of other nutrients to maintain good health. You’ll promote a healthy immune system, have more energy, and wake up every day feeling great! The Power of Powders: increased absorption irrespective of stomach acidity levels; faster absorption as tablets have to be broken down; easier to take for those with swallowing problems; larger servings of nutrients are easier to take.

  • Helps maintain whole-body health
  • Helps maintain a healthy immune system
  • Provides increased energy
  • Benefits of juicing without
    the inconvenience