Tag Archives: health & wellness

In Business with God

Freedom to Speak & Choose

Freedom to Speak & Choose

Being politically correct isn’t always easy for me…not that I am or want to be disrespectful to anyone…but when it comes to my faith, I want to be able to speak of our Creator whenever I choose. It is high on the list of things our founding Fathers took great pains to protect.

The First Amendment says, “Religious freedom is an absolute right, and includes the right to practice any religion of one’s choice, or no religion at all, and to do this without government control”. I see in the news a lot lately how people and organizations are being targeted with negative press simply because they believe in God. I am fearful of where this will end if we do not stand up for our rights. If we believe…why is it becoming politically incorrect to say so.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be in someone’s face about it, but I want to maintain the right to be able to share when I want to. Why is it offensive to others when I say I believe in God? It is my personal choice and a constitutional right. It does not matter whether others believe as I do, and it certainly does NOT make me think less of them, HOWEVER it IS important that I am not afraid to show that I believe.

Many people shy away from that for the reasons stated above…we don’t want to offend anyone. If fact, I was thinking along those lines too… When I first came up with the name of my business…My Father’s Wellness.

I was awakened at 2:00 a.m. one morning when God whispered that name to me. I had been searching for a name for quite some time. I wanted a name that fit where I felt health & wellness came from. I had also recently lost my earthly father to illness and was distraught that I could not make him well. But would this name hinder my business? What would people think? I did not use the name for almost a year for fear of being rejected or ridiculed. One night I felt convicted to use the name God had given me and trust that He would Bless me for it. It was a struggle between my way and His way. I am so glad I surrendered my will to His.

My belief in God is interwoven throughout the fabric of my life and certainly my business. I believe it is important to show Whom I believe in, Whom I work for (an ultimately answer to) and Who is running my life and my business.1 I want to remain unashamed to let people know that I walk in faith…to know that I tap into a Higher Power, that I am partnered with God…not to brag about it or think that I am better than anyone else for it…but to show that on the inside I am a BETTER SELF BECAUSE of it…(It should also show up in my actions and shine from within).

I wish to operate my business with intergrity, honesty and ethics.2 I wish to NOT compromise who I am because I know WHO is watching me. It is He Who has given us ALL the rights to pursue life, liberty and happiness. So on this Independence Day, I hope you enjoy your FREEDOM and please GUARD your RIGHTS as our Fathers before us fought to do and carefully documented in the Declaration of Independence,
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Read more of my blogs at http://www.myfatherswellness.com

Reference, 1 & 2 Build it Big by Direct Selling Women’s Alliance, Dearborn Trade Publishing page 255

Basics on pH

Seems acidic, but it is really alkalizing to the body

Seems acidic, but it is really alkalizing to the body

pH means…”potential of Hydrogen” It is a measure of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale runs from 0-14 Numbers below 7 are acid; numbers above 7 are alkaline. This is a logarithmic scale which is a scale of measurement that uses the logarithm of a physical quantity instead of the quantity itself. 5.0 is ten times more acid than 6.0; 4 is ten times more acid than 5; 9 is ten times more alkaline than 8 and so on. Think about the Richter Scale and how a small number change means a huge difference.

Our bodies are alkaline by design by function. Blood, lymph, extracellular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, etc., should all be alkaline—except for the parietal cells in the stomach as they secrete hydrochloric acid. Cells may operate in alkaline environment, yet produce acid as a by-product of their activity. This acid is not damaging because it is natural to how our bodies work and it is a weak acid that can be eliminated by the lungs quite easily. There is another type of acid however that is stronger and is not so easily dealt with. This acid results from eating acid ash foods and it needs to be neutralized before it can be eliminated by the kidneys or it will damage tissue and cells as it exits our bodies…such a grand design by our wonderful creator!

You may be wondering, what is ash? I am thinking about the ash that is in a fireplace or what is left in the fire pit after a campfire—well, kind of…After food is broken down, absorbed through the small intestine and then metabolized, there is a small fraction that is not utilized, this is described as ash. The pH of this ash is not necessarily the same as the food that it comes from. A lemon, for instance, is a very acidic fruit with a pH of 2.5 and 3. Yet it leaves an alkaline ash of pH 9. Sugar tastes sweet and seems harmless enough, and although it does not leave an acid ash—the body does have to work fast to metabolize them, producing a surge of energy and with this energy also comes a lot of acid.

On the whole, fruits and vegetables leave an alkaline ash while most other foods (eggs, grains, animal protein, and dairy products) leave an acid ash.

Check out more of my blogs at http://www.MyFathersWellness.com

Reading Food labels webinar part 1 Tami Cole

Check out my latest webinar that I presented through The AIM Companies about the basics of how to read food nutrition labels. It lasts about an hour and is packed with tips to equip you to make healthier fodd purchases, plus a food ingredient comparison you may not believe! I worked hard on it, so I hope you enjoy it. Comment if you can please…thanks! Understanding Food Nutrition Labels Part 1 http://www.instantpresenter.com/WebConference/RecordingDefault.aspx?c_psrid=EA54D785894B
Check out more blogs at http://www.myfatherswellness.com or http://www.aimforbalance.com

To coach is to serve, to serve is to succeed—RESPECT

Principle # 2

Principle # 2

The foundation of Principle-Centered Coaching is built on five core principles that present an image of the kind of coach I want to be.

By following these five principles found in “Build it Big” by Direct Selling Women’s Alliance, I strive to cultivate a supportive, safe environment in which my team will flourish. This is principle number two.

The Principle of RESPECT: When you show respect for another, you interact with dignity and kindness. You honor others no matter their accomplishments or perceived abilities. Giving and receiving respect builds self-esteem and confidence.

Coaching involves building your relationship one level at a time… kind of like builing a house. Start with a solid foundation, the TRUST I mentioned in Principle 1, then you can move on to RESPECT. RESPECT means taking the time to understand what that person is looking for or hoping to accomplish…to come along side and help them to get from point A to point B. Many times it is NOT in the way you may go to reach the destination, but it is in the way THEY choose to go…AND as a coach, YOU are a guest in their life. They are TRUSTING you to do life along side them, maybe not forever but for a season. RESPECT their decision. Coach to keep them on track but do not bully.

Whether you are a coach for a sports team, a networking team, or a health or life coach… Bring out the best in your team, show them they can do it, then stand back and let them go!

Check out more blogs at http://www.myfatherswellness.com

Reference: “Build it Big” by Direct Selling Women’s Alliance, Dearborn Trade Publishing, page 140

Improve you pH

Here are five steps you can follow to improve your health and increase your alkaline reserve status:

1. Eat at least 3 servings of fresh fruit per day.  Try different types, like

Fresh vegetables are alkalizing

Balancing your pH with fresh vegetables & fruits

an orange, an apple and 1 cup of berries, the more variety, the better.  Different colors of fruits & vegetables, give us different nutrients.

2.  Eat as many vegetables as you can.  6 to 7 servings is so good for your body.  You may have to start out slow.  Try adding one new serving of  fruit or vegetables each day until you get the recommended daily allowance (RDA)  Raw is best, you can mix them in salads or have them as a snack with a homemade dip.  Take 1/2 cup plain Greek organic yogurt and thoroughly mix in  about 1/2 teaspoon dill weed (or other unsalted spice), it makes a great dip.  (See another recipe below)

3. Add more cooked vegetables to each meal, but don’t overcook the vegetables, leave them a bit crunchy,add more to soups

4. Eat fewer high protein foods. Eat smaller portions of beef, poultry, pork, and fish, while continuing to add more raw &  cooked vegetables to meals.

5. Begin to lessen the amount of sugar, salt, coffee, tea, cola drinks, and processed foods.

Cottage-Cheese Veggie Dip:  Servings 1      Time: 5 mins                                                                                       Quick Meal         Contains Dairy        Vegetarian              GERD-friendly                Nutritional Info (Per serving):  Calories: 120, Saturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 561mg, Dietary Fiber: 2g, Total Fat: 2g, Carbs: 14g, Cholesterol: 10mg, Protein: 14g

Ingredients                                                                                                                                                                  1/2 cup(s) cottage cheese, low-fat (Organic if you can find it or  like Cabot’s)                                       1/4 teaspoon lemon-pepper seasoning                                                                                                    1/2 cup(s) carrot(s), baby                                                                                                                                    1/2 cup(s) peas, snow, or snap peas

Preparation:  Combine cottage cheese and lemon pepper. Serve with carrots and peas or your favorite low GI vegetables.  (Organic cottage cheese & yogurt are slightly acidic, but when mixed with the vegetables, it will be less acid forming in your body)

I encourage you to make dietary changes slowly. Rapid changes will cause toxins to be dumped into your system which is already bogged down and make you feel worse! As you make these changes slowly, you’ll begin to crave wholesome foods and adding AIM’s BarleyLife, JustCarrots and LeafGreens is a simple and easy way to add all the benefits of fresh, live fruits & vegetables without the hassle of cleanup when juicing the ingredients yourself…Go to  www.aimforbalance.com

Foods with Neutralizing Ash but Acidifying Effect

Neutralizing Ash with Acidifying Effect

  • Refined Sugar   Olive Oil   Corn Syrup   Corn Syrup

White sugar, fats, oils, syrups, as well as some other processed and synthetic foods, leave no ash after being metabolized.  However, the body does have to work and fast to metabolize them, producing a surge of energy after eating them.  With this energy also comes a lot of acid.  Therefore these foods, while leaving no ash have an acidifying effect.

The body must neutralize the acids from acid foods.  If not enough alkaline ash foods are eaten to do this, the body will draw on its alkaline reserve.  This alkaline reserve is made up of the minerals sodium, potassium and calcium primarily, with iron and magnesium as secondary sources.  These reserves are stored in the liver, muscle and bone and are called upon when required to release their stores.  Over time these reserves can become severely depleted causing liver problems, gallstones, flabby muscles and osteoporosis.

Unfortunately, very few people eat the kind of diet that would maintain the alkaline reserve.  A diet consisting of about 75% fruits and vegetables would be ideal to neutralize the remaining 25% of the diet containing acid ash foods.  In reality surveys show that on any day 40% of the population eat no fruits and 20% eat no vegetables at all.

Contact me for a free pH test Tami@MyFathersWellness.com

References:  Your Health, Your Choice by Dr. M. Ted Morter, Jr., M.A.: http://life.familyeducation.com/protein/foods/48678.html#ixzz1GKHRo700


What is pH?

What is pH?  pH means…”potential of Hydrogen” It is a measure of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale runs from 0-14 Numbers below 7 are acid; numbers above 7 are alkaline. This is a logarithmic scale which is a scale of measurement that uses the logarithm of a physical quantity instead of the quantity itself.   5.0 is ten times more acid than 6.0; 4 is ten times more acid than 5; 9 is ten times more alkaline than 8 and so on.  Think about the Richter Scale and how a small number change means a huge difference..

Our bodies are alkaline by design by function. Blood, lymph, extracellular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, etc., should all be alkaline—except for the parietal cells in the stomach as they secrete hydrochloric acid. Cells may operate in alkaline environment, yet produce acid as a by-product of their activity. This acid is not damaging because it is natural to how our bodies work and it is a weak acid that can be eliminated by the lungs quite easily. There is another type of acid however that is stronger and is not so easily dealt with. This acid results from eating acid ash foods and it needs to be neutralized before it can be eliminated by the kidneys or it will damage tissue and cells as it exits our bodies…such a grand design by our wonderful creator!

You may be wondering, what is ash? I am thinking about the ash that is in a fireplace or what is left in the fire pit after a campfire—well, kind of…After food is broken down, absorbed through the small intestine and then metabolized, there is a small fraction that is not utilized, this is described as ash. The pH of this ash is not necessarily the same as the food that it comes from. A lemon, for instance, is a very acidic fruit with a pH of 2.5 and 3. Yet it leaves an alkaline ash of pH 9. Sugar tastes sweet and seems harmless enough, and  although it does not leave an acid ash—the body does have to work fast to metabolize them, producing a surge of energy and with this energy also comes a lot of acid.

On the whole, fruits and vegetables leave an alkaline ash while most other foods (eggs, grains, animal protein, and dairy products) leave an acid ash.

Try AIM’s BarleyLife and LeafGreens to help alkalize your body.  Visit my AIM store at  www.aimforbalance.com to order products.

Never be Sick Again by Raymond Francis

I just finished reading an amazing book called “Never Be Sick Again” by Raymond Francis, M.Sc with Kester Cotton.  It was a very beneficial book for me to read in several ways.  I learned that health is a choice I or anyone can make.  I can either pay now for better quality food, or pay for doctors and hospitals later.  My health is determined by many things that my body is exposed to.  I learned about one disease and two causes, as well as six pathways to health and I can choose to be healthy or not by how I travel those pathways.   Food combining was another area covered in the book that I knew nothing about, yet makes perfect sense to me now.

I learned what the term disease really means.  It is when our cells malfunction to the degree that they interfere with the body’s ability to balance and regulate itself.  The concept of one disease, which is cellular malfunction and two causes, which are deficiency and toxicity, is so simple and yet so true.  The deficiency being our cells not getting what they need to thrive and survive and toxicity being our cells being poisoned by something they do not need.  The six pathways were so interesting.  I found myself losing track of time as I read about how nutrition, toxins, psychological, physical, genetic, and medical pathways between health and disease and they determine our health.  I learned that a holistic approach to health requires attention to all of these pathways.  Our lack of knowledge about these areas is something we are missing in our society today.

I must be proactive in my own health.  Sickness never happens without a cause.  Illness is a result of the poor choices I have made.  By placing the blame for sickness on excuses, I can relieve myself of responsibility.  But it cannot be the case.  I am the one putting the lower quality food in my mouth and choosing household chemicals and cleaners that are not good for my body.  Most of the time, I did not even know I was making poor choices.  Now I know and by learning and accepting responsibility for my own health, I am empowered.  I have learned many ways to improve my health within the pages of this book, including being aware of the dangers and toxins all around me and how depleted our food is of essential nutrients.

I did not realize that we are a nation that eats too many calories, yet we are getting too few nutrients.  That causes our brain to ask for more food to try to make up the difference.  That is leading to obesity in greater numbers than ever before.  Our soil is depleted, so in order to grow plants, chemical fertilizers are being used.  Plants are genetically altered to grow faster and to appear bigger and more vibrant.  On the inside they are starving for real nutrients, as are we.  Pesticides are used to kills parasites and pests, because the plants are so weak and malnourished, they have very little defenses against the common pests that our grandparents gardens had no problem conquering.

Stress is another factor in our health.  Many people today are spending lots of time in emergency mode.  I learned that to minimize damage for chronic stress, I must find healthful ways to adapt, such as social support and activities, counseling, meditation, therapy, exercise, yoga, self-hypnosis, keeping a journal, and my favorite, prayer.   I can also choose whether to “stress out” or seize the opportunity and go with the flow.  Learning to laugh and being flexible has also helped me deal with stressful situations.

Food combining and how I eat is another topic I found very beneficial.  Learning about what foods go well together for proper digestion was enlightening.  If I force my body to digest incompatible foods, it results in improperly digested foods that produce dangerous toxins.  It also deprives my body of essential nutrients.  A couple things I learned about food combining is not to eat fruits with anything else and on an empty stomach.  Vegetable and protein or vegetable and starch together is okay, but do not eat protein with starch.  I usually mixed these two and was wondering why I had indigestion.

This book was very beneficial to me.  I would recommend this book to others, in fact, I already have.  It is important for people to realize that we are in control of our health.  What we put into our bodies affects our health. If we can just understand that concept, we can prevent disease and illness.  Most times, we never even think about our health or what we are exposing our bodies to, either in our food, drink, skin products, or environment, until we are sick.  One statement from the book that sticks with me is, “Our health is determined by the positive things we do for our bodies minus the negative things we do to our bodies.”  I am now equipped with ways to improve my health.

I am a certified Biblical Health Coach and would love to hear from you.  Find me onFaceBook.com, type in Aim For Balance or check out more of my blogs and great AIM whole health products at my on-line store www.aimforbalance.com