Tag Archives: praise God

Praise Him!

Oh come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the LORD is the great God, and the great King above all gods.” Psalm 95:1-3

I was sitting outside in my front yard very early this morning. I was working on a Bible study and enjoying some quiet time with God. I could hear many sounds…sounds of the birds waking up and getting breakfast from the feeders, the hummingbirds fighting over territories with the clashing of their beaks against each other, and the bees buzzing among the flowers.

I even had a Momma Monarch butterfly come through to deposit some eggs on my milkweed plants…such a menagerie of God’s creation. I could not help but give our Creator God, the praise He deserves!

Out here in my garden you would not know I am less than 100 feet from a busy road. It is my oasis, my sanctuary.

I am thankful, content to just be…to be still and sit in the Presence of Majesty. His Majesty…as He is all around me, all around us. His fingerprints are everywhere. Remember that song? It is true.

When I am giving Him praise and shouting joyfully to His Name…the darkness runs. The forces of darkness have no place here.

We are called to worship Him. We cannot allow anyone or anything to silence us. Especially in these times of uncertainty & chaos. It is a time to praise The LORD, to lift the Name of YAHWEH ELOHIM!

You Are Loved

“In a far-off land the LORD will manifest himself to them. He will say to them, ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have continued to be faithful to you.” Jeremiah 31:3 (NET) 

A little lopsided but my mind sees a heart 🙂

In my travels near & far over many years, I have often found things in nature shaped like a heart. Each time I am reminded of how much God loves me & you and is always making Himself known to us.

I am also reminded that He does not give up on us. He is faithful to help us when we call out to Him.

Even when I am off in a dozen different directions, scarcely giving Him a thought. He is thinking about me. So I take a minute to focus on His heart. Our amazing God & Creator loves His creation, you and I, made in His Image…and I pause, take a deep breath…the very breath He gives me…and I praise Him! He is worthy to be praised!

Hope is all I need

Remember  that  song  by The Beatles, All you need is love?

I sang it as a teen…thinking if I had someone to love me, everything would be okay.

As I get older, I realize that it is hope that I need.  Love is important.  We need to feel loved, but for me…I need hope.

Today marks the 8th anniversary of the miscarriage of my baby girl.  I was devastated and had a hard time coping for quite a while. In 2006, My husband & I already had 2 amazing sons and we had tried for more than 8 years to conceive again…we so hoped to have another child, especially a girl. When my test strip finally showed 2 blue lines, I was in shock.  I was old…at the end of my child bearing years.  I was 44 at the time and felt kind of like Sarah…I was sure God was chuckling as He answered my prayers.  Yet tragically just 6 weeks later…she was gone.

I have not shared this heart ache with many, however I feel I must today.  For without hope, I feel I would have given up and faded into the abyss.

I have a loving husband, friends, a great support system but yet I was sinking into blackness. I knew God loved me…but that just wasn’t enough at that low time in my life. I had to find my way back.  I knew I needed to recover to take care of my boys.., they needed me, their Mom…and it was hope that got me through.

Hope that my heartache would subside.  Hope that I could and would be the best Mom I could be to my boys.  Hope that even though I did not get to hold my daughter…I have hope that I will see her one day in Heaven.

I do not know why I had to endure this heartache, however I have learned to not question “why” anymore.  It doesn’t change things…in fact it was causing me to be bitter.  Like whenever I saw a pregnant woman,  a newborn or a child of the same age mine would have been.  Now I pray in each situation and release the pain, the sadness, the longing for what might have been.

He said, “I came naked from my mother’s womb,                                                              and I will be naked when I leave.

The Lord gave me what I had,
    and the Lord has taken it away.
Praise the name of the Lord!”  Job 1:21 (NLT)

I believe that God knows best.  He has a plan.  I will probably never understand His reasons this side of Heaven, but I trust Him.  He has the right to give and take away. He calls us to praise him EITHER WAY!  The pain is there as days like today roll in and try to steam roller me, but I am free because I have hope.

Hope is all I need.

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