Tag Archives: Psalm 46:10

Hush, My Child

My grandson Kaleb has been picking out a weekly Bible verse for me by choosing from cards with a verse on each one. This week he chose Psalm 46:10,

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

A verse I think of often.

As I meditated on it this week, I wondered what it meant to be “still”? Merriam-Webster defines it as meaning:

  • Devoid of or abstaining from motion
  • Uttering no sound, quiet
  • Calm, tranquil
  • Free from noise or turbulence

I like the thought of resting quietly in the Presence of God. God is saying, “Hush my child, be quiet and trust Me.”

In this fast-paced and chaotic world, it is difficult to be quiet.

How many times have I asked God for something, to answer a prayer or help me with a trial in my life, but have I lingered in His presence to hear His response? Not often, I am sad to admit. I usually throw up a quick prayer, hope God is listening, and I move on with my day. I am sometimes too busy with my day that I forget who is the Giver of my days.

My thoughts are all over the place and they are far from “still.” I read a recent study that says humans have about 6,200 thoughts per day. Wow, that is a lot and how many of them flip flop back and forth? I must tell my anxious thoughts to be still, to shut up the thoughts and ideas that hinder me from following God. I must hear what God is saying…I must acknowledge He is God. He is in control. He is aware of the situation and He will be exalted through it all. I must trust Him.

Being silent or still before God can seem awkward at first. But it is the time that the Holy Spirit speaks into our heart.

We need to be still to hear His voice, to receive His peace, His joy, His guidance.  The next time we pray, let us pause to remember that He is God and deserves our attention and praise.

Be Still

Psalm 46:10 “God says, Be STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD”
Take time to be still in God’s Presence…hard for me to do because I think I need to be doing something always. This is a verse I need to be reminded of often.

However, it is in those still, quiet moments that God reveals Himself to me.

When I am lost in my own ways, running to get things done, I get anxious and forget He is near…offering me a solace… a safe place to go. Jesus endured the agony of the cross to secure His gift of Peace.

We can trust Him with our heart. Be still and listen…He is whispering to you.

Follow me at myfatherswellness.wordpress.com


Be Still

Life is so busy. We live in a day and age where we are over stimulated. We are so used to all the noise and rushing around that it seems unnatural and almost uncomfortable to be silent… we rarely sit still long enough for anything…especially to listen to GOD’s voice.

Yet He tells us in Psalm 46:10a “Be still, and know that I am God”

I think that if we slow down and come before GOD, He will renew us.  He will show us the plan He has for our lives.  It is SAFE with Him.

Forget the hustle and bustle and PAUSE for a bit…and simply spend time with your Dad. Start with just 5 minutes and see how valuable this is to your day and your life!  I encourage you to try it!

Reference:  New International Version (NIV)

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